What is Computer?

 Ans. Computer is a Electronic Calculating device. That can store a lot of information and data  . It's work very high speed , and controls other machine.  

Computer Fundamental  Short Question & Answer

 1. Who was the father of computer ?

Ans. Charles Babbage.

2.Where was the First use of Computer?

Ans. Philadelphia (Pennsylvania  North America)

3.Who was the father of Modern Computer?

Ans. Alan Turing.

4.Who was the father of Personal Computer?

Ans. Edward Robert.

5. Who invented CD ?

Ans. James T Russel 

6. What is UPS?

Ans An UPS is abbreviation of Uninterruptible Power Supply. is an electric apparatus that provide emergency power to a load when main power fails . It  is a type of continual power system.

7. What is Icon ?

Ans. An Icon is a graphical small symbolic picture, which represent the program and that can be run on windows.

8. What is Desktop?

Ans. After contemplating the booting, opening screen is appeared, called Desktop. The desktop is the overall work area of your screen.

9.What is Windows?  

Ans. Windows is the popular operating system for personal computer. It released by Microsoft and its version is Win 3.1, Win 95, Win 98, Win 2000, Win Me, Win XP, Vista Windows 7 etc.

10. What is Folder?

Ans. Folder is a container where you can store files or any directories or sub directories . It also called directory.

11. What is Task Bar?

Ans. It is a long bar at the bottom of the desktop. It consist date, time, notification, start button and all running programs.

12. What is Microprocessor?

Ans. Microprocessor is the brain of personal computer. It can process data under the direction of stored set of instruction known as program.

13.What is Software ?

Ans. Software is refer to the set of computer program that are loaded into a computer for its proper functioning and processing of information. 

14. What is Operating system?

Ans. The operating system is a system software that acts as an interface between the computer hardware and the user. It is the first software that loaded into the computer memory.

15. What is Program?

Ans. A Program is a set of instruction that is given to Computer to perform a specific task.     


CTRL - A to Z Computer Shortcut Keys of MS- Word

 CRTL + A =  All Select

CRTL + B =  Bold

CRTL + C = Copy

CRTL + D = Change The Font Format

CRTL + E = Align Text Center

CRTL + F = Find

CRTL + G =  Go to Page

CRTL + H =  Replace

CRTL + I = Italic

CRTL + J =  Align Text Justify

CRTL + K =  Hyperlink

CRTL + L =  Align Text Left

CRTL + M = Indents The Paragraph

CRTL + N = New

CRTL + O =  Open

CRTL + P = Print

CRTL + Q = Remove all Formatting From a Highlighted Paragraph

CRTL + R =  Align Text Right

CRTL + S =  Save

CRTL + T =  Create a Hanging Indent

CRTL + U = Underline

CRTL + V = Paste

CRTL + W = Close

CRTL + X =  Cut

CRTL + Y = Redo

CRTL + Z = Undo


CTRL + SHIFT  Shortcut Keys

CTRL + SHIFT + D = Double Underline

CTRL + SHIFT + + = Superscript

CTRL + +                = Subscript

CTRL + SHIFT + > = Font Increase

CTRL + SHIFT + < = Font Decrease


Computer related Abbreviation

COMPUTER- Common Operating Machine Purposely  Use For Technology Educational Research

BASIC- Beginner All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
UPS- Uninterruptible Power Supply
CPU- Central Processing Unit
ALU - Arithmetic Logical Unit
BIOS- Basic Input Output System
HDD- Hard Disk Drive
FDD- Floppy Disk drive
RAM- Random Access Memory
ROM- Read Only Memory
HTML- Hypertext Markup Language
FTP- File Transfer Protocol
HD- High Definition
3G- Third Generation
USB- Universal Serial Bus
URL- Uniform Resource Locator 
SIM- Subscriber Identification Module
OS- Operating System
BSNL- Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
VSNL- Videsh  Sanchar Nigam Limited
WWW- World Wide Area Network
WiFi- Wireless Fidelity 
PAN- Personal Area Network
PIN- Postal Identification Number
SMS- Short Massage Service
CC- Carbon Copy
IOS- Iphone Operatinbg System
CD- Compact Disc
DVD- Digital Versatile Disc
HVD- Holographic Versatile Disc
FAX- Far Away Xerox
CAD- Computer Added Desgin 
3D- Third Dimensional
CCTV- Closed Circuit Television 
JPEG- Joint Photographic Expert Group 
3GP- Third Generation Partnership- Project
WAN- Wide Area Network
LAN- Local Area Network
MAN- Metropolitan Area Network
VGA- Video Graphic Array
PDF- Portable Document Format
FXP- File Exchange Protocol
GIF- Graphical Interchange Format
GPS- Global Positioning System
LED- Light Emitting Diode
CRT- Cathode Ray Tube
OLED- Organic Light Emitting Diode
LCD- Liquid Crystal Display
GUI- Graphic User Interface
Kb- Kilo Byte
GB- Giga Byte
MB- Mega Byte
TB- Tera Byte
MICR- Magnetic Ink-Character Recognition
NEFT- National Electronic Fund Transfer
NSA- National Security Agency

Q. What is Input and Output Device?

 Ans. An Input device can data send to another device. But it can not data received from another device. 

Some Example of Input Device:

                                                                   Barcode Reader
Mouse, Keyboard, Joystick, Trackball, MICR, OCR, Light Pen, Webcam, Camera, Image scanner,  Touchpad, Microphone,Bar code Reader etc.



Output Device: 
     An Output device can data received from another device . But it can not data send to anther device.

Some Example of Output Device
    Monitor, Printer, Projector, Speaker,



  Main Parts of  Computer:

1. CPU- Central Processing Unit or Control Processing Unit


3. UPS- Uninterruptible power supply 

4. Keyboard

5. Mouse


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pobitra urang said...

Thank You so much sir

Unknown said...

Very nice. Easy for new learning students

Ramesh Soren said...

Better explain
So thanks for sharing us

pobitra urang said...

Thanks a lot

pobitra urang said...

Thnks a lot

Importance Of Computer Education

  1. ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীয়ে নিজা গতিৰে শিকাত আনন্দ পায়। সেইবাবে শিক্ষাৰ ক্ষেত্ৰত কম্পিউটাৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা এক গুৰুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা গ্ৰহণ কৰে। ছাত্ৰ-ছা...