Basic Computer Long Question And Answer

 1. What is CPU?

Ans- CPU is a main function of  the  Computer. The CPU is the brain of the computer system. In a Computer system, all calculations and comparisons are made inside the CPU and CPU is also responsible for activating and controlling the operation of other unit of a computer system.

2.What is the Benefits of Using computer.

Ans. A computer Provides for basic benefits are-

    i) Speed- Computer can perform any task very first.

    ii) Accuracy- A computer can a calculation with the some degree of accuracy every time, computer  never makes mistake. 

    iii) Memory- Computers have high memory its can store a list of data on information.

    iv) Multitasking- It can perform multiple task at same time. 

2.What is Software ? Discuss briefly.

Ans- Software is a set of instruction, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks.

    Computer software can be classified into two categories-:

    i) System Software.

   ii) Application Software 

(i)System software:- System software is a set of programs designed to operate hardware and control the internal operations of a computer system software provides a platform for running application software.

System software can be further classified into operating system languages processors and Utilities.

ii) Application software-  Application software is a set programs Development to carry out complete Operating for a specific purpose. These are the programs written by the programmers to perform a specific task.

3. What is Hardware ?

Ans- Hardware is the physical part of   a computer, which we CPU etc. are the example of hardware .

      There are three types of hardware such as input device, output device and storage device.

4.What is Desktop ?

Ans- After completing the booting, Opening screen is appeared, called desktop. The desktop is the overall work area of your screen.

5. What is Icon?

Ans- Icon is a small symbolic picture, which represent the program and that can be run on windows.

6. What is the function of ALU?

Ans- The ALU dose arithmetic Calculation and take logical decision . ALU performs all the arithmetic (+,_, /) and logical (<,>,=<=>)operation   

 7.What is recycle bin in Computer?

Ans- A computer program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by a computer to perform a specific task. A computer programmer in a programming language.

8.Write the classification of computer?

Ans- There are Four classification of computer -

i) Personal Computer.

ii) Mainframe Computer.

iii) Mini Computer .

iv) Super Computer.

9. What is Taskbar?

Ans- A taskbar is an element of a graphical user interface which has various purpose. It typically shows which programs are currently running. The specific design and layout of the taskbar various between individual the from of a strip located along one edge of the screen . 

10. What is Pop-Up Menu in Computer?

Ans- A pop-up menu is a menu that is hidden and doesn't appear unit you right click this menu is often refereed to as a context menu often relate to what  was right click.

11. What is sub menu in computer?

Ans- A sub-menu a term used to describe a menu that is contained within  another menu.\

12.What do you mean by operating system?

Ans- Operating system is very important and vital system software that enables user communicate with computer in a easiest way without any operating system the machine cannot work. It performs various actives.

13. What is computer language ? Discuss briefly .

Ans- Computer Languages are language by which we can given instruction to computer within the help of language and also compiler and interpreter we can develop Application software package and also system software.

     Computer language are mainly two type -

       i) Low level Language .

       ii) High level Language.

i) Low Level Language-   A low level Language is a programming language that provides little or no abstracting from computers instruction set architecture commands or functions the language map that are structurally similar to processor instruction generally this refers to either machine code or assembly language.

ii) High Level Language- A High Level Language is a programming language such as 'C', 'FORTRAN' or Pascal that enables a programmer to write programs that are more or less independent of a particular type of computer . Such language are considered high level because they  are closer to human  languages and further from machine language.

14. Write a note on Computer virus ?

Ans-Viruses are collection of coded instructions which are self replication. when a virus attaches it self 

to another file if infects it, they are normally inactive until infected program is run they are broadly classified in to three cater arise.

                            a.Boot infectors

                             b.System insfectors

                              c.Executable program infects

15.  Write a note on computer of motherboard?

Ans- (1)Bus-

             a.Address bus

             b.Data bus

             c.Control bus

(2)Expansion slots- they serve the purpose of adding functionality to the computer.

             a.I S A :Industrial standard architecture

             b.P C I :Peripheral component in tor face

              c.A G P :Accelerated Graphic part .  

(3)Cache Memory : If is small fast memory that resides between CPU and main memory.

(4) C MOS- Complementary Metal  Oxide Semiconductor Battery.

(5) I/0 Ports- Serial, Parallel, USB etc.  

16.  Explain the Title Bar ?

Ans- The upper band of every window is known as the title bar where the window name is displayed .

You can move the window around your desktop, in case it is not maximized. The title bar is highlighted, when the window is active .

17. What is Keyboard ? 

Ans- The Key board is a basic input device used to enter data into a Computer . The layout of the keyboard is like that of a typewriter, with some additional key .

18. What is Mouse ?

Ans-  The mouse is the most popular painting device helps users to have control over the movements of an on-screen painter .

19.  what is Booting ?

Ans-  When we switch on the power supply of computer it performs some internal works that called Booting .

            In other word , the loading of operating system into memory is known as Booting .

Booting is two types - Cold booting and Worm Booting .

20. What is Operating System ?

Ans-  An Operating System is a Software programme required to manage and operate a computing device like smartphones , tablets , computers , supercomputers , web servers cass , network towers , smartwatches etc.


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