Multiple Choice Question & Answer
1. CPU stands for?
a. Common Power unit.
b. Copy Past Unit
c.Command Prompt unit
d. Central Processing Unit
Ans-(d)Central Processing Unit
2.Which one of the flowing is not an input device?
b. Track ball
c. Light Pen.
d. Printer
Ans- (d)Printer
3. What is External memory called?
a. Primary memory
b. Secondary memory
c. Random access memory
d. Read only memory
Ans- (b)Secondary Memory
4.Information retrieval is fastest from.
a. Floppy disk
b. Magnetic Tape
c.Hard disk
Ans-(c) Hard disk
5.Which of the following is not a pointing input device?
a. Mouse
b. keyboard
c. Tack ball
d. Light pen
Ans- (b) Keyboard
6.RAM and ROM are
a. Secondary memory
b.Conductor memory
c. Semi Conductor memory
d. peripherals
Ans- (c)Semi-conductor memory
7. ‘C' in CPU denotes.
a) Central
b) Common
c) Convenient
d) ComputerAns- (a) Central
8. Which of the following refers to the rectangular area for displaying information and running programs?
a) Desktop
b) Dialog box
c) Menu
d) Window
Ans- (d)Window 9. The software that is used to create text-based documents are referred to as - a) DBMS b) Suites c) Spreadsheets d) Word processorsAns- (d)Word processor K 10. devices convert human understandable data and programs into a form that the computer can process. a) Printing b) Output c) Solid state d) Input Ans-(d) Input 11. What is the overall term for creating editing, formatting, storing, retrieving and printing a text document? a) Word processing b) Spreadsheet design c) Web design d) Database management Ans- (a) Word processing
b) structures
Ans- (d) Programming language 13. Forms that are used to organize business data into rows and coloumns are called a) transaction sheets b) registers c) business forms d) spread sheetsAns- (d) Spread sheet 14. To find the Paste Special
option, you use the clipboard group on the tab of power
point a) Design b)
Slide show c) Page layout
d) HomeAns-(d) Home 15. When entering text within a document, the Enter key is normally pressed at the end of every a) Line b) Sentence c) Paragraph d) Word Ans-(c) Paragraph 16. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing? a) ALU b) Control unit c) Disk unit d) ModemAns-(a) ALU 17. The method of Internet access that requires a phone line, but offers faster access speeds than dial- up is the connection. a) cable access b) satellite access c) fiber-optic service d) ModemAns- (d) Modem 19. software creates a mirror
image of the entire hard disk, including the operating system,
applications, files and data.
a) Operating system b) Backup software c) Utility programs d) Driver imaging Ans- (b) Backup software 20. Which of the following cannot be part of an e-mail address? a) Period b) At sign c) Space d) UnderscoreAns- (c) Space 21. To navigate to a new web page for which you know the URL, type that URL in the browser's and press Enter a) Address barb) Domain bar c) Address button d) Name button Ans- (a) Address bar 22. The CPU also called the … when talking about PCs, does the vast major it of the processing for a computer. a) Microprocessor b) RAM c) Memory system d) Microprocessors Ans- (d) Microprocessors |
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