WHAT IS INTERNET in hindi STRUCTURE, Advantages of Mesh topology, Disadvantages of Mesh topology,

        The Internet has gained popularity and becomes an essential part of a day to day life. Through
Internet, we can exchange information with each other very quickly. The term Internet is derived
from 'interconnection' and 'networks'. A network is a collection of two or more interconnected
computers or such computing devices, which can share information.The Internet is nothing but the
interconnection of worldwide computer networks, i. e. network of networks. It can be defined as a
global network of over a million smaller heterogeneous computer networks,


Computer Knowledge by Pobitra Urang


       The internet has no central structure or a central governing body. Therefore, there is no
central failure. It means if the connection between two computers is lost, information still can be
delivered to the destination by finding another route. The geometric structure of how computers are
connected to each other in a network is called topology. There are five types of topology - Mesh,
Star, Bus, Ring, and Hybrid.
In a mesh topology, each device is connected to every other device on the network through a direct
one to one link. In this topology, a link only carries data for the two connected devices.


Internet Structure


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Advantages of Mesh topology:
1. Failure of one link doesn't
affect other links and the communication between other devices
on the network.
2. If there is a failure, it is easy to detect.
3. Because of the direct computer to computer link unauthorized access is not possible.
4. Less amount of data travers in internode links.

Disadvantages of Mesh topology:

1. A large number of wires or
connection mediums are required to connect each system.
2. For a large mess network number of I/O ports required in each computer is very high
since each computer needs to be connected with others.
3. The addition of a new device is very difficult, as it needs to be connected with all existing

       In star topology, there is a central device to which all other computers have to be connected. Instead
of direct communication between computers, in a star topology, all computers have to communicate
through the central device. If one computer wants to send data to another computer, it has to first
send the data to the central device, and then the central device forward that data to the destination.
There are different types of such central devices like HUB, Switch, Router, etc. 

Advantages of Star topology :
1. Less expensive because each device needs to connect with the central device only with a
single link.
2. Easier to install and easily new computers can be added to the network.
3. Failure of one link isolates only one computer.
4. A failed link can be easily identified.

Disadvantages of Star topology:
1. The central device is the single point of failure. If the central device fails, the entire net
work will be failed.
2. The central device requires more attention because it is the central system of star topology.

          In a bus topology, there is a main cable and all the computers of the network are connected
to this main cable through drop lines. Since all the data is transmitted over the main cable, there is a limit of drop lines so that the data do not overflow in the main cable. In a bus topology, there is a main cable and all the computers of the network are connected to this main cable through drop lines. Since all the data is transmitted over the main cable, there is a limit of drop lines so that the data do not overflow in the main cable.

Advantages of bus topology:
1. Easy installation, each computer needs to be connected with the main cable.
2. Fewer cables required than Mesh and star topology
3. Less maintenance is required as there is no central device.

Disadvantages of bus topology:
1. Difficulty in fault detection.
2. Not scalable as there is a limit of how many nodes you can connect with the main cable so
that the main cable does not overflow.

       In ring topology, each computer is connected with two more computers on both sides. This direct
connection forms a ring, and therefore, it is known as ring topology. In ring topology two adjacent
computers can communicate directly but, non-adjacent computers have to communicate through
other computers in the ring. In this case, if the received data is intended for other device then the
adjacent computer forwards this data until the intended computer receives it.

Advantages of Ring Topology:
1. Easy to install.
2. No central device is required.

Disadvantages of Ring Topology:

1. A link failure breaks the ring and thus fails the entire network.
2/Each device has to be active all the time, otherwise, data will not be forwarded by an
inactive device.

A combination of two or more topologies is known as hybrid topology. For example, a combination
of star and ring topology is known as hybrid topology.

Advantage & Disadvantage of Internet


        In computing terminology, both "client" and "server" refer to computers that are used for
different purposes. A client machine and a server can be differentiated based on their use and
behavior. A computer can be configured to behave like a server and the same computer can be
configured to behave like a client. Normally, a client is a comparatively lower capacity computer that
accesses a server through a network. For example, we can browse a website presents on a server
from our client computers. On the other hand, a server computer is a higher capacity computer that
can store a wide variety of resources. There are various types of servers, such as an application server,
file server, web server, database server, print server, proxy server, etc.

     A network protocol is an established set of rules that determine how data is transmitted between
different computers in a network. Protocols are like a common language for computers. It allows
connected computers to communicate with each other, regardless of any differences in their internal
processes, structure or design, There are different protocols for different types of services. Some
commonly used protocols are- HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, etc.

     The first workable prototype of the Internet ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency
Network) came in the late 1960s. It was started by the U. S. Department of Defense. On October 29,
1969, ARPAnet delivered its first message. The first computer was located in a research lab at the
University of California, Los Angeles and the second was at Stanford. ARPANET adopted TCP/IP
in 1983, and from then other computer scientists began to form network of networks. This was the
starting of the modern Internet. With the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1990, by
Tim Berners-Lee, the internet appeared in a more recognizable form.

         Internet connection refers to the link of a device to the internet. It is provided by the Internet Service Providers (ISP). Reliance Jio, Airtel, BSNL are some popular ISP in India. An ISP can provide an internet connection to their consumers in different ways. There are two types of connections- wired and wireless.

advantages of mesh topology over star topology,
what is mesh topology,
what are the disadvantages of mesh topology,
star topology advantages and disadvantages,


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